Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A New Me

Sitting here with rap music bumping off my headphone. It's what I've always done, music has always been a part of me since my early teens. From song writing to poem writing to disc jockeying and attempted sound production.

The computer came and I put music aside, my book of lyrics was abandoned with unfinished songs, unfinished dreams, I had to let go of music for computer. The reason why I studied Computer Science. Almost a graduate now and I'm getting more interested in happenings around me, political events.

I see things go wrong and have the urge to make changes, I want to see things turn around but I can't. I'm incapacitated by various limitations and all I can do now is watch with keen interest, watch as situations unfold and also learn meaningful lessons from happenings around me.

I'll be writing more about political happenings around me even though some unfolding events get to bore and annoy me, I'll tackle them as much as I can.

Welcome to my world. ..

Oluwafisayo Oyeromade Ogunjimi